The Global Fruit & Veg Newsletter

The Global Fruit & Veg Newsletter est une revue mensuelle gratuite en anglais destinée aux professionnels de la santé dans lequel des chercheurs du monde entier contribuent à la rédaction d’articles. Aprifel vous offre l’accès à la base de données complète des revues Global Fruit & Veg depuis 2006 en format PDF. Une newsletter en français est également disponible.

The Global Fruit and Veg Newsletter (GFVN) is a monthly newsletter published since 2006 * throughout more than 30 countries involved in the promotion of the consumption of fruit and vegetables worldwide to improve Public Health. The articles published are scientifically based and come from the literature review.  Doing so allows us to disseminate the scientific knowledge outside the box and share the work with more than 10 000 readers from other disciplines (Scientists, health professionals, F&V professionals, consumer associations, journalists and general public). *GFVN replaces the Ifava Scientific Newsletter

33 – June 2018
N°33 June 2018

Healthy food and their anti-inflammatory properties

Foods that fight inflammation Doctors are learning that one of the best ways to quell inflammation lies not in the medicine cabinet, but in the refrigerator. Your immune system becomes activated when your body recognizes anything that is foreign - such as an invading microbe, plant pollen, or chemical. This often triggers a process called [...]
N°32 May 2018

Type 2 diabetes: importance of F&V

Fresh fruit and vegetables – underused option for prevention and “treatment” of type 2 diabetes Three summary reports in this issue emphasize the benefit of fresh fruit and vegetables (F&V) in the prevention and “treatment” of type 2 diabetes. Franziska Jannasch and co-authors summarize the main results of their systematic review and meta-analysis on different [...]
N°31 April 2018

F&V to prevent allergy and asthma

Numerous environmental factors can be instrumental in the onset of allergic conditions such as asthma or eczema. While tobacco and other pollutants are well-identified factors, the role of food is not as well known. The first article is from a recent review conducted by an Australian team detailing literature on the consumption of fruit and [...]
N°30 March 2018

F&V availability at home

Whether the quality and amount of food intake are a private matter or a Public health issue may be debated. It is part of anyone’s freedom to eat what and when he wishes to do so... in theory. There are several reasons why this issue has limits: The natural history of nutrition teaches us that [...]
N°29 February 2018

Influence of F&V school

Schools should be in the front line in health promotion Schools seem to be ideal settings to form children’s behaviour. They reach most children for a number of years at a critical age when habits are still being evolved. They are the places where children spend most of their time in contact with qualified personnel [...]
N°28 January 2018

Consume F&V for your mental health

Staying happy, whatever the season Depending on the season, our experience of a good mood changes. In summer and winter, it’s not just our clothes that change – the way we take care of our health differs too. Your mind and your brain are like a garden; to produce  fruits, vegetables, or a healthy state [...]
N°27 December 2017

Healthy diet & CVD: recommendation for practioners

Diet and cardiovascular disease In most cases, cardiovascular diseases don’t occur by accident. Lifestyle has an important part to play, not only in its occurrence but also in prevention. We all know the risk factors that we have to avoid – smoking, having a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, stress, and so on… But we should [...]
N°26 November 2017

Nutrition and Eye Health

Despite being an extremely active field of research, ocular nutrition remains relatively unknown to both health professionals and patients. Downie et al. have shown that patients have high expectations when it comes to getting advice on their diet. Opticians appear to be good people to talk to on the topic. Physiopathological and epidemiological data has [...]
N°25 October 2017

Healthy Diet and Pregnancy

Is the focus on proper nutrition during pregnancy a recent concept? Actually, not at all. Even in the Old Testament in the book of Judges, chapter 13, we find a description of the first prenatal visit. Manoach’s wife was sterile and did not have any children. The angel of the Lord appeared to her and [...]