Global F&V Newsletter

The Global Fruit and Veg Newsletter (GFVN) is a monthly newsletter published since 2006 * throughout more than 30 countries involved in the promotion of fruit and vegetables consumption worldwide to improve public health. The articles published are scientifically based and come from the literature review. Doing so allows us to disseminate the scientific knowledge outside the box and share the work with more than 10 000 readers from other disciplines (Scientists, health professionals, fruit and vegetable professionals, consumer associations, journalists and general public).
*GFVN replaces the Ifava Scientific Newsletter

N°18 December 2007

In 1997, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)

In 1997, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) published the groundbreaking Expert Report, Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. The Report was a catalyst for change, creating great opportunities for advancing knowledge in the area of diet and cancer prevention, and stimulating a [...]
N°17 November 2007

Nutrition and lung health

Lung diseases have increased significantly in the last 10 years and account for substantial morbidity and mortality. The influence of dietary factors has generated growing interest because of their potential impact on the genesis and evolution of lung diseases, particularly in how they may modulate the effects of environmental exposures. These factors include antioxidants, omega-3 [...]
N°16 October 2007

The prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases

The prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases increases with age and clearly represent a major public health problem in aging populations. Strategies for the prevention of dementia are therefore needed. Furthermore the onset of ND is insidious and the neurodegenerative process may exist for many years before dementia. ND can be influenced by many factors; among them [...]
N°15 September 2007

Culinary Strategy: Healthy World Produce Traditions

In the face of mounting diet-linked chronic diseases, public health experts are urging us to dramatically increase our consumption of produce. As culinary educators, we approach such a challenge by first considering strategy. When rethinking the American diet, where produce has traditionally played a secondary role, it is useful to look to other cultures for [...]
N°14 July 2007

Working together for fruit and vegetable promotion

Each year, 2.7 million lives could potentially be saved if fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption was sufficiently increased. WHO and FAO are working together to actively promote F&V consumption over the world. A Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation recommended a minimum intake of 400g of F&V per day for the prevention of chronic diseases and for [...]
N°13 June 2007

Where does the new EU Regulation on claims leave fruit & vegetables promotion?

Given the current debate on obesity and the role that fruit and vegetables can have in any serious solution to address this epidemic, it seems more than reasonable that the new Regulation on Nutrition and Health Claims should allow the fruit and vegetable sector, along with public authorities, to continue promoting without restriction the unique [...]
N°12 May 2007

Overcoming the socioeconomic and gender gap in fruit and vegetable intake

Why is it so difficult for most people to reach the daily recommendation for fruit and vegetables? In Sweden, less than 20 percent of the adult population reaches the intake goal of 500 grams per day, and less than 10 percent of children reach their goal of 400 grams. A universal pattern can be observed [...]
N°11 April 2007

Nutritional life-style and Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus (type II) has become a significant threat to public health worldwide: it has been estimated that at least 171 million people are affected and it is assumed that by 2030 this figure will have more than doubled to 366 million people. While the developing countries will experience the highest burden, the impact in [...]
N°10 March 2007

We are all involved in obesity policies

A key element in the Amsterdam Treaty was the statement that “… high levels of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all Community policies and activities…” All policies and activities? Yes – because it is not enough to tell school children to eat better snacks or to tell parents [...]